Wednesday, May 4, 2022

The sundial experience

Do you know about sundials? Well we are going to educate you on some facts and some interesting information about sundials. First, you will need a paper template of the sundial and cardboard to keep it positioned. You will need to cut it out to put in the sun. There were 2 pieces that we had which were the surface (sundial) and the gnomon. The gnomon was used to cast a shadow from the sun. You will need to make sure it is sunny to conduct your experience. If you don't have a lot of sun you might not be able to see a shadow. Did you know ancient people used sundials before clocks and watches were invented? On Monday when we put our sundials out we noticed that the shadow from the gnomon had shifted positions. This is because the Earth is rotating around the sun and spinning at the same time. We now know how ancienct civilizations told the time and how important it is for today's technology of watches and how we function as a society.