Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Battle of the mountains - Film Festival


  1. nice one guys you that was interesting and keep up the hard work

  2. nice one wesley i like you guy's video keep it keep it on.

  3. Hi Wesley primary school
    Mele here from hay park school
    i just want to say fantastic work and good job with the mountain
    i like how you added the mountain my favoruite mountain was owiraka.

  4. Hi Wesley Primary School!
    My name is Peitynn from Waikowhai Primary School. I really how you put in what the gods do. I enjoyed the great drawings of your gods. Maybe next time you could turn you sound a little bit down and not to loud. Anyway thank you for sharing you video with us and have a lovey day!!!
    Blog you later!!!

  5. Hi Wesley Primary school, My name is Jonathan and I really liked your film: The battle of The mountains. I like your film but next time maybe could you make your voices a bit clearer.
    Thanks for sharing your learning.

  6. Hi my Sema and i came from Waikowhai primary school. i really like your art it is vary creative. I lake your voice acting.
